About Mrs. Shvveta Kejriwal

Mrs. Shvveta Kejriwal is a trained Varaha White light Healer of Tat Tvam Asi.
A graduate at Psychotherapy level (Pranic healing), she has successfully conducted meditation, chanting and service workshops under the Cosmic Temple of Tat Tvam Asi ,a school of Self Realisation and Self Actualisation, since 5 years.
She is initiated into the Kanakdhara Stotra, Mahisasur Mardini stotra and Om Shreem Brzee mantra.
Presently she is at the vertical head of Consultation (mindfulness and meditation) at Narmada Devi Memorial School, Hosapete, Karnataka.
You can learn more what participants are saying about Mrs. Shvveta Kejriwal‘s teachings.